
Can you tell me the gender of my cockatiels..?

by  |  earlier

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some one told me that i have a boy and a girl.....

what do you thinkk?




  1. they are both boys because if their was a girl, her beak would have a hint of blue in it

  2. Hi, I came across this piece of information on a website today whilst doing some research on cockaiels earlier myself - hopefully it'll help!

    "How to Identify the s*x of your Cockatiel

    Immature grey cockatiels have yellow stripes under the primary wing feathers. A male's stripes only go as far as the elbow and he loses these stripes around 9 months of age. Females' stripes go to the body attachment of the wing and never loses them. Head and facial markings are brighter on males. Colour mutations (Lutino, pied, pearl) may not exhibit the same gender differences in feather pattern. Vocalization is the earliest means of sexing cockatiels - the male has a melodious call; females have more of a monotonous chirp. Cockatiels are prolific year-round breeders. Their offspring are easy to hand-raise, but are reluctant to wean.

    This will take you to another website with more info:

    Some helpful pictures on this site of many of the different varieties of cockatiel both male and hen to help you to identify the s*x of your cockatiel - This will take you to another website:


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