
Can you tell me the honest thruth about crime in Nicaragua?

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i was planning to go to managua to visit some friends that recently went back to live there and they tell me its ok during the day that just to watch out because sometimes taxi's get pulled over and robbed and that at night its not safe to walk around specially around dark areas were the young gangs hang out, from people that i know i hear dont go its not safe specially not after Ortega got elected they tell me why would you go visit that country. i was wondering if you know any government websites that can tell me more about the country. Cheers!




  1. Crime

    We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution in Nicaragua because of the high levels of serious crime. Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media for information about possible new safety or security risks. Exercise caution in discussing travel plans with strangers and in public areas.

    While travelling, don't carry too much cash and remember that expensive watches, jewellery and cameras may be tempting targets for thieves.

    Violent crime, including armed robbery and assault, is prevalent, particularly in the capital city of Managua. Gang violence has occurred near major hotels, bus terminals and markets.

    Armed gangs carry out kidnappings, robberies and extortion in the northern border region.

    Petty crime such as pickpocketing and bag snatching is common. Criminals are known to target public transport, tourist areas, markets and stopped vehicles. You should avoid walking alone and travelling on buses after dark.

    Thieves posing as tour guides, particularly on the Island of Ometepe, have robbed travellers. You should use well-known, reputable tour operators.

    North Atlantic Autonomous Region/Northeastern Nicaragua/Central-Northern Nicaragua: We strongly advise you not to travel to the following regions because of ongoing military operations against armed criminal groups in these areas:

    - the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN), particularly Bonanza, La Rosita and Siuna (the mining triangle);

    - remote areas of the Nicaraguan Caribbean coast;

    - northeastern Nicaragua.

  2. all countries have crime there isnt a country in this world that doesnt have crime.

  3. The answerer above is correct in a sense.  All countries have some level of crime.  There are definitely parts of New York City I wouldn't want to be in at night.  (and you'll notice that taxis up there have a bullet-proof window separating the driver seat and the back one.  What does that tell you?)  Some countries do indeed have more than others however.  Nicaragua, in parts, is a bit unsafe, especially at night.  If you really wanted to visit I would go though.  It's not so unsafe that I wouldn't consider a trip there.  I would just make sure to research what parts of the city are more dangerous than others and avoid those areas.  Also, take any necessary common-sense precautions when out in that city.  (i.e. don't have your money in a wallet in an outer pocket or other place where it can be pickpocketed easily, don't walk around alone at night, etc.)  I will make one final note: many government websites (especially the consular sheets for each country) are going to inform you about crime, but they tend to be a little bit exaggerated.  Don't get me wrong; some countries aren't safe to visit,  (Iraq anyone?) but there are those that, despite what gov't websites will tell you, are relatively safe if you take the necessary precautions.  Good luck with your trip!

  4. Managua is said to be the safest capital in Central America.  There are of course some areas where you should not go, not even during day time, but in general, safe enough.

    I don't think it has gotten worse since the new government took office, it is pretty much the same.

    Nicaraguan are very nice people and treat tourist very well.  I don't think you will have any problems there

    Before you go, however, you need to know that it is very, very hot and humid.

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