
Can you tell me the meaning of "bleeding love"?

by Guest33216  |  earlier

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in Bahasa Malaysia........I think it before but still can't translate it into malays.




  1. a love need to sacrifice a lot

  2. cinta saya ini sakit hati ku

  3. pendarahan cinta....hehehe

    macam ngarut ajer bunyi nye

  4. my heart is bleeding for you now..i am mc lovin

  5. cinta susah...

  6. argh..pening  "berdarah cinta"

  7. er..cinta di kala tgh period?


    maafkan saya. Bahasa Malaysia sy time SPM = F9..huhu~

    *its love that hurt..u love someone but u hurt deep down it because of the person u love or u urself got other issue..thats life.. haihhh..


    AMY!! sgt lawak! bodow la kau..sakit perut aku gelak..adei~

  8. darah yang bercinta :p

  9. cinta yg berdarah kut..hehehe!

  10. if its the Leona Lewis song that you are referring to,, i think what she meant by " you cut me open and i keep bleeding love " is

    She loves him so much that eventhough he cuts her open (hurt her)

    she will bleed love (only love that spills out from the cut)

    Shows she got so much of love and will love him no matter what.

  11. Ahh... the Leona Lewis song. I think it means loving some one so much that it hurts

  12. ..i rase bleeding makne nye flow or evolve or is my guess is "cinta mengalir"......

  13. cinta dengan darah suci

  14. bleeding love is berdarahkan cinta. berdarah keluar cinta like that. i dunno whats a cinta though. maybe some kind of liquid.

  15. Seribu Kali Sayang - Iklim

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