
Can you tell me this is cheat or true ? they told me that I won prize?

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I just received a email, they told me that I won one million Euros.I don't know this is cheat or true. Can you tell me that is

cheat or true? this email's content is the following:

East-West Australia Lottery,

9701 Alexander Mall, Adelaide,

East-West Australia.

(East-West Australia Lottery is an affiliate of MCI Networks).

Santon Square, Complex 21, Netherlands.


e-mail :

(Lottery Coordinator)



We are pleased to inform you of the result of the East-West Australia

Lottery (international program) held on the 19th Febuary. 2007. Your

e-mail address attached to ticket #: 38090325436 with prize # 73548040/12

drew €1,000,000.00 which was first in the 1st Category of the draws.

You have been approved to receive €1,000,000.00 (One Million

Euros).Because of claims mix-up and the limited time claims pay-outs, we will

advice that you keep your winning information confidential until your prize

(€1,000,000.00) has been remitted to you by our accredited paying bank.

You must adhere to this instructions strictly to avoid loss of your

cash prize ?this program has been abused severally, so we are doing all

we can to forestall further abuse by way of wrong claims. It's important

to note that this draws were conducted formally under the watchful eyes

of over 45,000 audiences. Winners are selected through an internet

ballot system from 160,000 personal and corporate e-mail addresses. The

program sponsored/supported by MCI Networks in conjunction with South-West

Australia lottery. Congratulate you once again. We hope you will use

part cash prize to participate in our next mega draws of €85million.

Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than 10-days after you

receive this notification. Failure to claim your cash prize after this

date will result in prize forfeiture. Please, in order to avoid

unnecessary delays and complications remember to quote personal and winning

numbers in correspondence with paying bank.

Please contact the paying bank with your information for the immediate

remittance of your funds.

Kindly send them the following:

(i). your names,

(ii) Contact telephone and fax numbers

(iii) Contact Address

(iv) Your winning numbers

(v) Quote amount won.

Contact the paying bank with the following:

Bank抯 Name:laagstehypotheekofferte

Contact person: Mr Jim Benson

Laagste Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Tel: (+31-626-413-226

Fax: (+31847-235-420.

Congratulations once again.

Yours in service,


Lottery Coordinator.




  1. It is one has gotten rich from an e-mail.

  2. it is a cheat.Believe me.i myself had this notice and to this day i still have to thanks to  a re tiered police officer who used  to investigate on-line .i have won to this day 4,000,000.00 euros plus $1,000,000.00  ..To top it all of with i  even received a false lottery winning  in the mail."you won" $124, even included a 29,00.00 check which is supposed to cover the taxes .i am very proud of you for being so should get an e-mail by him also.i don`t remember his name but he is right!you will get notice by him.

  3. Sorry but it'd fake.I had one just like it. If you pursue it they'll eventually ask for some money

  4. First place, did you buy any lottery-ticket? If not, how you can win?? This is SCAM!!. I have received it before from other SCAM-Companies. By now i think i am a multi-millionaires, but i just send them back an e-mail, thanking them, and told them that they can have the monies. HAHA, they did not even bother to send me a THANK-YOU note for the monies.

  5. Sorry, it's a scam.  You can tell this email lottery are fake because:

    (1) You can't win a lottery if you didn't enter (i.e. buy a ticket)

    (2) There is no such thing as a lottery of email addresses.

    (3) Most countries have laws prohibiting their citizens from entering lotteries in other countries.  If you don't live in Australia, you can't play.

    (4) An Australian lottery would have prizes paid in Australian Dollars, not in Euros.  Also, it wouldn't have anything to do with the Netherlands.

    (5) The only Australian Lottery is run by Tattersall's, and they've published a press release warning about this sort of lottery scam (link #1 below).

    I also included a couple general links to information about fake lottery emails.

  6. crooked, they want your bank account numbers so that they can clean out your account once they access it.  Do not respond.  They mail these out by the thousands and if they only get a few to respond its a tidy profit for that day.  Run.

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