
Can you tell me what the legal max/min speed limit would be coming onto/off a slip road off a dual carriageway

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I need legal speed limit for coming off a dual carriageway onto a slip road would it still be 70 or 60 or does it depend on what your restricted with i.e. bends, etc




  1. it will be the same speed that you was doing on the dual carriage way obviously if coming off you will be decreasing --- going on you would be  increasing up to the maximum speed limit    9/ 10 its the national speed limit but could be ant speed as  you might be entering road works etc with restrictions

    so you need to pay attention to  speed sign on the road or on the approach to it

    hope that helps

  2. Whatever the limit ( usually 70 on a dual carriageway , but they do vary)is until you come to the next sign, unless you are driving a lorry coach or bus , where the limit is lower than a car .

  3. the speed limit is whatever it says on the last sign you passed.

    you may join the slip road at the same speed as on the dual carriageway, somewhere on the slip road will be a sign showing the new limit, if not you may continue at the limit specified on the dual carriageway (except where the signs showed national speed limit - which means you must reduce your speed to 60 if going onto a single carriageway, as the 'national speed limit' is different for single or double carriageways)

  4. as soon as you pass the motorway sign that is the limit 70mph

  5. A dual carriageway is a carriageway where they are seprated by a verge in the middle ( not two lanes of traffic in each direction) the physical seperation of the two oposing flows of traffic, So the national speed limit on a unrestricted dual carriageway is 70mph, Thus a slip road isn't a dual carriageway it is a two lane highway with one way restriction, this would indicate that the speed limit though national is only 60mph. Same applies to motorway slips, beyond the motorway sign.

  6. On a duel carriageway its 70mph unless signed as lower.

    the slip road would also be 70 as you come off, but then down to whatever the next sign is or 60mph if no sign / road continues as a single lane road.

    On the way on it would be 70mph after you pass the national speed limit signs.

    Like other roads its not always possible to travel at the speed limit due to bends etc.

  7. It's the same as the main carriageway, unless there are signs telling you otherwise.

    There is no national speed limit for slip-roads.

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