
Can you tell me what these people do???

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political scientists-



and what can i be do something that has to do with aliens and stars???

thanks alot!!!




  1. an astronomer looks into space.  trying to find life, or where everything came from.

    historians want to preserve the past so we can remember who came before us.  I guess this way we can see how far we've come.  also we don't want to repeat history, because we forgot it.

    psychologists wants to understand how the individual works.  why people do what they do.

    sociologist studies what groups do and why.

    Aliens and stars?  look into SETI.  It's a group of people looking into the stars trying to find alien life.

  2. The historian records history and studies it for patterns. They try to predict outcomes, like for war situations.

    The astronomer would study the stars and patterns of their coming into existence and alignments of orbits and planets.

    Political scientists deal with things like predicting elections--they work with a science that nowhere exact.

    Psychologists study human relationships, feelings and coping with them.

    Sociologist is more interested demographics.. and the social structure of a matter.

    all of these would have to deal with aliens, if you think about it.

    Alien science is not an entity to itself. You might want to specialize. Would you want to study the history of the species? Would you want to know how they operate in their societies? And what their societies include?  would you want to know about their government, or they enforce rules and keep order?  would you want to know genealogies of this group?

  3. astronomer- looks at and studies stars

    Historian- looks at the past and preserves it

    Psychologist- study human behavior and solve mental health issues

    Sociologist- studies the interactions between people

    Watch the night sky....

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