
Can you tell me what this is asking of me?

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It's for sociology.

The sociological perspective helps us recognize that the lives of individuals are shaped by the forces of society. Explain, in a short essay, how the sociological perspective reveals "the general in the particular." To illustrate, explain how society plays a part in your own decision to attend college.

Do you think they just want us to explain the college thing or something else as well? The second sentence really just does not make sense to me. Help?




  1. i wants you to write an essay about how society helps us make our decisions for us based on what is considered normal

  2. The general is the fact that society encourages a person to attend college to be more educated and to possibly achieve more financial independence than the non-college attendee.

    College graduates tend to land jobs above minimum wage.

    The particular would pertain to your aim in the college courses of study. This narrows the college attendance to a particular field that you are interested in. You have your own reasons for this; however, your direction can be shaped by your social upbringing and your existing talents that you want to further refine.

  3. Society has certain expectations and laws set out for indeviduals.

    Society has played a role in the developement of the individual from and early age. Teaching us whats acceptable and unecceptable behavior. Whats tolerated and untolerated.

    Most people are shy to do something stupid in public fearing the reaction of other people.

    As children grow older they learn how to behave in a different manner, for example if they did something stupid as a child that caused their peers to make fun of them its more than likelly they will not repeat these things,

    People will also try to do good things to make other people have good opinions about them.

    People will hid bad things about themselves to avoid the critisism of others.

    Society also creates certain ideas in peoples minds and makes the people believe what they want them to believe.

    If u attend college, u will be judged as a good person who has achieved something beneficial u will be considered a winner!!! people will admire u:)

    U learn, u want to attend college to gain more.

    the society will think less of u if u don't do what ur expected to do.

  4. maybe how societal expectations for someone like yourself have influenced your decision to attend college.  could be societal expectations of women, youth, caucasians, etc...

  5. Explain how society and it's values affect specific actions and perceptions in your life.  For example the decision to go or not go to college.  Another might be a pregnant woman's decision to have/not have a baby and/or keep it.

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