
Can you tell me what this typewriter is worth?

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I have a Smith-Corona: Corona Four.

The typewriter it self is in MINT condition, the case is showing it's age.

It works wonderfully.

Can you tell me what the worth of the machine is?




  1. Looking on Ebay, the type of typewriter you described is going from anywhere between 20 and 76 dollars. You might want to list it there if you intend to sell it. Looks like they are getting bids. Good luck.

  2. Since you can buy complete computers together with monitor, printer, key board en mouse, for under 40 dollars, I do not think that your typewriter will bring up any money. You could give it to charity.

    The computer you can buy for so little money has wind 98, has office 97 and therefore you can use it as typewriter. Much easier to correct mistakes than with typewriter. Can watch on monitor what you are typing.

    Therefore using an old computer just as typewriter is not such a bad idee.

  3. Virtually nothing. Almost nobody uses typewrites anymore. Your best bet is to donate it to a charity and get a tax credit.


  4. a shiny nickel.

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