
Can you tell me what you do to balance your happiness with the dreariness of the work-week?

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The monotony of the work-week is eating away at me. Tell me what you do to help yourself with this...if anything. Of course, it doesn't help that I live in a state of perpetual negativity. Give me any pointers. I'm open.




  1. Work is activity with a purpose.  

    When it feels like a bit of drudgery, put the negativity to one side for a moment and philosophize a bit.  What is the purpose of what you are doing?  Who is it helping?

    Once I had a job typing checks for an insurance company.  Omigod it was terribly boring.  Making a mistake was painful (manual typewriter).  I met someone who received one of my checks and he was very happy about it.  It was his deposit on a new car.  After that I remembered him while typing and would imagine things - like a particular check would be received by a pretty girl and she use the money to go on a holiday in Europe and meet Prince Charming.  It really made it more interesting.

    You can make your work more interesting.  It's just an attitude and imagination.  Even if the purpose is only to get a task done quickly so you can move onto something you like better.

    Have some fun Julia.

  2. You can either learn to love your job or get access to the internet during work hours.  After that, if you''re still miserable, see a psychologist.

  3. I'm a big cynic but I work in a job I find fun at least 50% of the time, so that cuts in half the work week you find so hard... I would recommend looking at doing something that makes you happier or feel challenged, whatever it needs to be to work for you. Aside from that I do a lot of things other people created (good films, books, good art) to put different perspectives in life and make me think (not about me which happens too often :)) and I make sure my friends are funny and adventurous.

    It really is the simple things.

    Why not travel for a few months and come back to a new job? Or retrain? Don't let them make you wish half your life away!  

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