
Can you tell me what you like about being a Muslim?

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What are the pro and cons of being a Muslim? What about reverts? Do you like Islam?




  1. I became a Muslim in 1991 and it was the best decision I ever made.  After that, everything in my life just kind of fell into place.  That's not to say that its been perfect.  there have been bumps along the way, but I have come to understand that has occurred not because of islam, but rather because of the lack of correct islamic implementation.  

  2. i love the INNER SATISFACTION which is provided by this beautiful Religion and i love the way one fancies everything, good or bad related to this life, putting his/her trust in Allah.

    A Muslim knows that there is always Someone out there to Love him when the world rejects him, and He is Allah.

    THE CONS??

    "I'm a Muslim, kill me and call it COLLATERAL DAMAGE.... Imprison me and call it "SECURITY MEASURE"....Exile my people and call it "NEW MIDDLE EAST".... Rob my RESOURCES, invade my land and Alter my leadership and call it "DEMOCRACY".

    about nuclear power of Muslims, propagandas are made, they are abused, harrassed and called terrorists... but when non-Muslims make weapons and bombs, they want to restore "Peace"!


    there r no "cons" for being a Muslim, just disadvantages. and those also raised up by the ones who want to drown this Excellent Religion.

    i'm perfectly satisfied, infact happy that im a Muslim and for me and for all those good Muslims out there, there r no cons. non-Muslims may try their best with their propagandas to make us all feel that there are many "cons", but that would be to no avail, Inshallah.

    PEACE! :)

  3. I love being a Muslim becuase it's a peaceful way of life, no matter what anyone says. It is centred around worship to your creator, kindness to your fellow man and trying your best to be a good person and please your creator. I feel happy and comfortable this way and one good thing is that talking to a Muslim, you immediatly know them, their struggles and what makes them happy, becuase most of the time, they are the same things. I find that most bro/sis get on like a house on fire without even knowing one and other. Its cool =)

    Cons- To be honest, the cons come from culture. I find nothing a con becuase Allah has made it forbidden. If Allah has decreed it a certain way, then that's just the way. When culture and desires come into it, then there are cons. Actually one con, is that the devil is quite prominent in your life when your a Muslim. Thats a con I guess.

  4. Hi.  I felt called by God to explore Islam.  In the beginning, I wasn't sure I was hearing God right because I believed all the sensational stories about Islam. I started reading from Quran and about the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).  It was like Islam took my favorite parts of various religions.  For example, I didn't have to give up Jesus if I converted since Muslims revere Jesus (Peace Be Upon HIm) considering him (and many other Christian and Jewish prophets like Abraham and Moses) as equal to Muhammad.  If anything my relationship with my former religion, Christianity, feels better now than when I was a Christian.  I also love how Quran constantly tells us to look at how breathtakingly beautiful the universe is with things Allah/God gave us.  There is so much to learn in Islam about nature and God using it as a sign of His existence.

    Many Christians have used various methods to distort the person of Jesus so that it's sometimes hard to know how to follow his example as a limited human being.  Muhammad is an example of love, tolerance and mercy toward all creation including people of all cultures and animals.  Islamophobia takes that beauty away sadly.

    Islam means to be completely surrendered to God.  It's not only when we go to church.  It's 24/7.  People think Allah is some crazy demonic god and they are wrong!  Allah is the Christian God!  Islam isn't about being warriors either.  The prophet Muhammad didn't want war and there were a lot of rules to follow to keep fighting at a minimum.  Islam is about tolerance, about praying, giving charity, fasting for Ramadan so we become more compassionate.  We try to make the journey to Hajj in our lifetimes (the site of a "building" first erected by the Jewish prophet Abraham and rebuilt by others who were part of the Abrahamic traditions).  When we say there is no God but God, we mean we worship the one God that Christian and Jewish believers also worship.  I didn't give anything up when I reverted.  I gained a comforting sense of God the Most-Compassionate and Most-Merciful.  

    There are various ways of practicing Islam, for me it is a religion which calls for peacemaking and love for all humanity, in fact, it is a religion that realizes that value of cherishing all existence.  

    As you can see, there is a lot that Islam does for my life that makes me very grateful to have followed God's call.

  5. I like that it's true, regardless of whether or not I (or anyone else) believes it.

  6. I like being a Muslim because Islam has a rulling on EVERYTHING if you look back.

  7. I'm a revert. I LOVE ISLAM. IM VERY PROUD. For me there are NO CONS. May Allah be with all Muslim Ummah and people that are seeking the right path.

  8. Alhamdulilah, Islam gave me life!

  9. Pros = It makes you want to live and i dunno how to describe it but it's like you have someone (Allah) you can always count on and make duas / pray to or just not feel alone even when you are alone and it's clears your head from stuff, it's like you're taking happy medicine lol it's a great feeling to be muslim I LOVE IT :-)

  10. The best thing about Islam is, that no matter how much criticism you get- how much others insult you, how much they may lie about you, harrass you, hurt you, betray you-- at the end of the day you still have Allah by your side and there is nothing that outweighs His presence.

    And to be honest with you, with the grace and mercy of Allah we are guaranteed that there are no cons about being a Muslim. The only 'con' I can think of is when a Muslim strays from Islam, because he is missing out so much and he put himself in a position where he abandoned something good and picked up on things that will only hurt his spirit.  

  11. There are no cons in Islam, everything that is forbidden for us is not allowed because it is for our good. Ther pros are just about everything :) I love islam.

  12. what's there not to like about being a muslim?

  13. Pros

    -Not going to the mosque doesn't mean you'll go to h**l

    -there is no top figure head that all muslims obey, and you are encouraged to interpret things on your own.


    -Muslim societies have all taken strict interpretations of the religion, and demand you follow those (although, in western cultures, you can just ignore them)

    -no alcohol, and strict food rulings.

    there is more, but it's just off the top of my head.

  14. I wrote a book called=

    the Ascension in the Knowledge and Love of Allah swt / God Almighty

    explaining the 3 levels of Islam

    you can only climb up in faith as you work / learn and worship in balanced life.  

  15. I like knowing that I am guided and that whenever I need help, Allah swt is always there to turn to.  

  16. the fact that if i die upon Islam i wont have to burn in h**l forever because the disbelievers have to burn forever and thats a long time

  17. I just love everything about it. The mosques, Ramadan, family orientated. I love talking about Islam mainly, and finding out about how great the religion is

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