
Can you tell me what you think of my speech ?

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so i had to write a speech and i was wondering if there is anything i should change add leave out and what you think of it over all

Today I am going to talk about how we as Americans hurry to save time just to waste more of it.

Most all of us have found ourselves trying to rush through our daily activates for no reason, and then finding ourselves bored after words trying to find something to do.

Today we can e-mail from our cell phones, we can work from home, we can go to school from home, and we can order dinner and have it brought to our front door.

We can also watch TV on our cell phones, we can talk about nothing with everybody we have every meet with websites like MySpace or Facebook, and we can watch other people doing nothing on websites like YouTube.

Most of the things listed above get nothing done and would make negative impact on the world if they disappeared tomorrow. If any impact it would be a positive one, if we had nothing to do when we were bored we would not rush to get important things done for fear of being bored.

I went out and asked if people really do hurry to save time just to waste it here are a few of the answers:

“Yes. I do a half way job on everything so I can have more time to waste on nothing”.

“I thought I was the only one in the world who did that (I’m British) Thanks I feel somehow less abnormal”.

“ It's more like they're hurrying and hurrying to get that relaxed lifestyle, then when they get it, they don't see it, and they feel bad and bored. They don't know what to do”.

So from what I seen and heard it’s not only modern Americans who do this it all people living in a modern world who can have time to waste and still survive

Thank you very much




  1. okay your introduction, shouldn't be like today I'm going to talk about......

    that's so not interesting and it doesn't get your audience interested either its like 1st, 2nd grade stuff, You could start out say something like There is so many Americans in the United States hurrying to save time just to waste more of it. but anyways it looks all good to  me.

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