
Can you tell me what you think of this computer? ?

by Guest32755  |  earlier

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I'm a computer programming student, so i need a decent laptop. At the moment, I have an LGR500 I paid about 2000 for a year ago, and now i might as well throw it in the trash. The webcam doesnt work, some of the keys are broken, there is a problem with the hard drive connector which causes the laptop to short and overheat constantly and the connector to pop out. Its also overrun with trojan's but thats my own problem since I've used it to download music. The laptop will no longer run off the battery, and warranty wont cover any of this. I'm on a 16 month internship right now, and I am going to need a new GOOD laptop for school in sept 09, but for the time being I'd like a cheap laptop thats fast and functional, with memory and Ram, for basically downloading and everyday surfing, and burning movies, stuff like that. One I dont have to worry about virus's and stuff, so i can have one for personal use and one for school (i'm not buying the school one until i am just about ready to head back)...

So for a personal laptop, how does this one sound?

TOO cheap? Should I go the next step up and get one for like 700? I know a desktop is alot more powerful for cheaper, but I prefer the convenience of a laptop that allows me to bring it downstairs, to friends, etc.

If you think this laptop is so crappy its a waste of money, could you please suggest another one to me? Must be available in canada, i'm not picky about screen size or color or any of that..




  1. It doesn't have enough RAM to adequately run Vista.

  2. It should work fine, only problem is if you look at the link it says its sold out, but either Acer or Dell would be a good choice.

  3. that laptop is very slow you need something that is at least a dual core

  4. It looks like a good idea.  Are you using c++ or java, etc? (although you might want a dual core processor.)

  5. i wud say that if you can get a better one because this will become inadequate soon

  6. i think its cool.

  7. No, the processor is an AMD which I have had really bad experiences with. Here check this one out, it is more expensive but a whole lot better.

  8. If you're a programmer then you should know what's right for you.

  9. I do not prefer that laptop. Its too basic for a programming student. You probably will need a laptop with these configurations

    - 2 gig of memory

    - intel core 2 duo or equivalent AMD, intel preferred though.

    - storage pretty much depends upon your usage.

    Sempron is a very basic processor and pretty lame one. With just one gig of RAM and with sempron processor, you will be disappointed.

    also make sure laptop has bluetooth and wireless support for "n" type signal.

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