
Can you tell me what yu think?

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I met a man recently again after months apart.We had a bad fight and ended on bad terms back then.I have tried now to be his friend.At first he seemed unwilling,but he seemed then to come around and we smile and laugh again..though not as freely as before.Then yest I passed him and he was staring at me.It was intense,the way he used to look before when there were emotions between us.It scared me a little cause it took me by surprise.I smiled back but kept going.A few minutes later he came into our office (he had to return stuff)and he goes 'I'm so so sorry' in a real distant matter of fact way.I asked him what he was sorry about and smiled.He looked down and said he was sorry for disturbing me and left as I was saying that he wasnt.What is going on?Does he want me back or to stay away?




  1. it seems like both, but dont make the move unless u really want it again. let him make this move and then u can see if ur ready, if he dont make a move then he's diff not ready and just havein fun on what u do have now. take it slow u know, i would just enjoy what u all have now and maybe it will go some where if not no biggy, dont let it intafear in ur life. hope i helped.

  2. He wants you back... period.

  3. sounds like he wants u back to me and he is sorry for all that went on between the two of ya's you should talk to him if the feelings mutual and work it out there are so many people these days not willing to work things out and never find the right person.good luck hun x

  4. my advice is stay friends. he certainly is acting strange but wait to see if he asks u out again or says that he wants to get back together with you. if this weird behavior goes on for a while, talk to him about it. Hope this helps!

  5. in my opinion i would play this one at arms length. dont let him play with your mind or emotions. bring your head into play not just your heart. he could have many reasons for behaving this way.


  6. i think hes confused, the feelings are probably coming back to him and thats probably scarying him. mabye you should ask him matter of factly whats going on, do you want to be with this man again? cause mabye you should let him know how you are feeling :)

  7. It sounds like he is confused by what he is feeling.  Maybe you should approach him for clarity on the issue.

  8. stay away far away.

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