
Can you tell me which one the best Martial Arts?

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Philippine Martial Arts

Chinese Martial Arts

Korean Martial Arts

Japan Martial Arts

Thailand Martial Arts

Laosian Martial Arts

Cambodian Martial Arts

Indonesian Martial Arts

Russian Martial Arts

American Martial Arts




  1. Go take a lap.

  2. Stop being racist.

  3. No martial arts is the best, each one has diffrent con's and pro's.

  4. I wonder if stslavik has ever went up against a world class wrestler?

    I dont see it as a nationality thing. The more well rounded the fighter the better chance he has of winning. But from what I have seen over the years is the guys who win the most are skilled in wrestling and Muy Thai/Some form of striking. Or can just flat out strike with major power and have great take down defense. If you cant wrestle you better be able to stop the take downs or they will lay on top of you for 3 rounds and beat you up.

  5. It's not so much the nationality of the art man - so much as the basics of it, and they all have specific strengths and weaknesses... I personally prefer alot of chinese and japanese arts but it really depends what you want out of your training.

  6. I often wonder where this "most fights go to the ground" thing came from. In the last 5 fights I've had to deal with, I've gone to the ground once and made sure that I got back to a mobile position ASAP in case of secondary threats. If, indeed, most fights go to the ground, this is statistically improbable.

    As for which nationality produces the best martial arts? None. Or, all. All of these nationalities have great arts with many great practitioners.

    What's most important is how dedicated the practitioner is and how willing they are to learn from experience. Let's take the ground-fighting thing for example: If you count on wrapping up with an opponent, you're dedicated solely to that opponent, when truthfully you should never consider the fight you against the opponent, but you against everyone. If you don't take the possibility of multiple attackers into account, then you'll fail.

    The difference isn't the martial art, but the martial artist. The best martial artists adapt to their situations and are not limited by "techniques".

  7. I don't think it's the nationality as much as it is the art, personally I think Jiu Jitsu is the most dominant just because most fights go to the ground and that is what Jiu Jitsu is all about is fighting and defending yourself on the ground.

  8. Have you heard of Malaysian Martial Art (Silat)

  9. for me i think japan martial arts...........

    because its the place where karate was founded.....

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