
Can you tell me why I got Multiple Sclerosis? I don't have any relatives that have/had this monster?

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Can you tell me why I got Multiple Sclerosis? I don't have any relatives that have/had this monster?




  1. We are constantly learning more about MS. MS is an autoimmune disease. The genetics part is that a parent may pass on the predisposition for an autoimmune disease to their child. Anyone with an autoimmune disease in your family? Doesn't mean it will be passed on. Doesn't mean that if that predisposition is passed on that anything, such as a virus, will ever trigger the autoimmune response.

    That being said, if you have a family member with MS you have a higher chance of developing it than someone without MS in the family. But again, doesn't mean you will. One relative having it, you have about 1-3% chance. I have to relatives (mom and maternal aunt) so I had about 10% chance. Whereas, someone who has no relatives with MS has <1% chance.

    Here's a easy to understand article

    I also like the "MS for Dummies" book. For me MS was the devil I knew what with my mom having it. But the book was a good reference for my husband. Plus there were tips I hadn't heard of or thought about.

  2. I have to agree with what has already been said. I've been diagnosed over 25 years and my Mother has MS. At the beginning, it drove me crazy, wanting to know what caused it. OK, in my case the genetic predisposition was obvious, but what was the trigger? Was I exposed to some toxin or did I have a virus in my childhood? My mother and I both grew up in the state of CT, where there is a high incidence of MS. We're of Irish heritage, a group w/a lot of MS too. My intuition says it was getting mono in college.

    I find it interesting that survivors of child abuse have a higher incidence of auto immune disease too. I think there are many factors involved, which just makes finding the cause and "cure" all that more complex.

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  3. Nevah knows her stuff. Nobody knows what causes multiple sclerosis or how to cure it. MS does not necessarily run in families. Whether or not your relatives  have it has nothing to do with getting this disease. Researches think that there may be a gene involved that predisposes people to the disease. But they also think  that genetics is only one of the components involved in  getting the disease. There may be an environmental factor or a virus involved also. MS runs the gamut as far as its severity is concerned. Mine with the exception to the onset has been pretty benign. I started out suffering from blindness in my left eye, cognitive problems, and an inability to speak clearly. While the first six months after I was diagnosed were h**l, the last six years I have lived a relatively normal life. So I would not call the disease a monster. It can be managed. Joining an MS group, some counseling and getting on a good medication  can make all the difference. Good luck to you.

  4. Wow you guys are all smart..all good answers .

    The only thing I will add..MS is a very manageable disease.There have been soooooo many advances in the last 15 or so years.Lots of new drugs that help limit the attacks and lots of ways to manage the symptoms.

    Are you newly diagnosed? I know in my case the first 6 months were the toughest, but somehow you kind of come to to an uneasy truce and settle back into living a pretty normal life.

    Just hang in there..It will be Ok

  5. Nobody knows what causes it.  You don't have to have any relatives that have it in order to get it yourself.  It's unfortunate that you did get it but they have MANY good treatments out there to slow the progression and help with any symptoms you may have.  MS is one of the most treatable diseases out there and the lifespan for a person with MS is just as long as anyone else's.  I know it'll be hard but stay positive and try not to stress too much.    

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