
Can you tell me why?

by  |  earlier

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After being hit for about the 1000 time by some one on a phone, what is the problem you can not wait till you get home or stop the car. I am on my motorcycle not breaking any laws and then some idiot comes along on phone and almost hits me. Not one call ever made on a road is worth the life of another.




  1. unfortunately, a bike is a little harder to see. then you add the fact that the average human being cannot concentrate on more than one thing at a time. a cell phone becomes a driving hazard, and you became the victim. i am right there with you, i have not been in an accident but, i hate seeing drivers that have that phone attached to their head consuming what little intelligence they have remaining. from what i understand this month in california there will be legal changes to that whole idea. if you ask me it is about 10 years too late.

  2. Motorists are more accident-prone and slower to react when they talk on cellular telephones - even hands-free models - because "inattention blindness" makes the drivers less able to process visual information, so to sum it up.....

    "They are mostly all brain-dead and dont care"................
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