
Can you tell me why so many Muslims feel as though they kicked Israel's butt in Lebanon?

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Leb was left in shambles. Hundreds of Hexbo nuts died. As well as their innocent sheilds.

In no manner could this skirmish be called a war. Not even a police action.

Is this grasping at straws because nothing is going their way?




  1. Because they are evil and like to see people killed. Doesn't really matter who gets killed so long as there is blood.

  2. Your question makes no sense at all.  Half the Lebanese population is Christian, so it is not only Muslims who had their country attacked. Although it's a fact that a lot of places in Lebanon were destroyed, it doesn't surprize me one bit when you say that in pride.. it just goes to show what sick mentallity and bitterness you people carry as a nation and history. I think it's disgusting how the Jews have always been persecuted in the past, yet now they continue to inflict the same kind of hate and suffering on other religous groups.

    Aparently it was not only the Lebanese Christians or Muslims who were siding with Hezbollah during the war as the IDF were getting their butts kicked...

  3. it is because everything is victory to them.

    cease fire, victory!

    Israel restraint, victory!

    negotiations, victory!

    when you deal with people with radical theology (not suggesting Lebanese like that, I LOVE them, I am talking about Hezbollah worshipers) then the smallest sign of non-assertion of someones rights is a victory to them.

    They have claimed false victories over everything because of their "fight" mentality and they'll continue to do it until they're removed of their weapons and ability to fight.

    BTW, they wouldn't be around (Hezbollah) if Israel had continued it's path. Israel did accomplish its original goal which was to stop the rocket fire on her northern territory but could have very well gone farther to stop more. But the Muslims started whining loudly and then the rest of the Western world believed it and Israel listened to the West and used restraint.

  4. To be very specific, what Israel set out to achieve in Lebanon can rightfully be labeled a "failure". This was also the assessment of a commission created by the Israeli government this past year.

    However, it should be noted that Israel's failures in Lebanon were never due to Hizbollah being victorious over the IDF. That is just nonsense and puffery mostly promoted by Nasrallah, the "big giant head" of Hizbollah.

    Hizbollah, in fact, took a major beating in that war though that have since rebuilt their arsenal and army to pre-war levels.

  5. JD,

    The Israeli reserve was called for that war. Remember?. You do not call the reserve if it was a police action.

    You call it a police action now because the result was in favor of IDF

  6. Hi JD

    I also find it strange when they say Lebanon won, but I think they mean that they prevented Israel from occupying south Lebanon. During the war, Israeli troops entered the South of Lebanon and they were trying to occupy it. Hizbollah and the Lebanese millitary succeeded in preventing the occupation.

    Also don't forget that parts of south lebanon were occupied before that and were freed by Hizbollah.

    As for today's events, Lebanon became the ONLY Arab country who freed all its people from the Israeli prisons. This is also a winning. Now there are no lebanese people in Israeli prisons at all. Hizbollah were the ones who made this achievement on the Lebanese side.

    I hope this helps

  7. I warned Ms. Miche that if she doesn't come back to the section I shall use this nick. She refused to come back as she has her reasons.

    Back to your question

    You are stating a fact, not asking a question. I tell you why they Lebanese (and not Muslims) feel that:

    The announced target for the war on Lebanon was to release the two soldiers. The hidden target was to break Hezbos and bring them down.

    The war ended with neither getting the two Israeli prisoners of war back home nor finishing up Hezbos.

    On the contrary, Hezbos were still capable to launch their missiles deep inside the Israeli safe havens till the last minute. More than 300 missiles were launched on the last day and just before the cease fire was in effect. 40 tanks of the mighty Merkava tanks were on fire on the last 3 days of the war. Hezbos showed the world that they  can continue fighting  IDF for another month. Israel can not stand a long war.

    It is not true that hundreds of Hezbo supporters died as you said.

    What did Israel achieve from that war?:

    Noooooothing but killing 1500 Lebanese civilians in cold blood while they were sleeping.

    And what a great achievement is it for a racist country like Israel

  8. My opinion is that since the Arabians kicked Israel's butt so hard last time, the Jews are scared to attack Iran because if they do, well may kiss goodbye Israel then.

    The Jewish planes won't have any land to make a safe landing, coming back from Iran.

    I think since these Arabs were not hurt during the Lebanon war they are just waiting for the right moment to hit Israel back.

    From what I've seen so far, they are able to hit real hard so, maybe you are right after all, the Jews lost back then since they only killed civilians and refugees trying to find some cover, (that's perty lame if you ask me, anyways).

    I have read somewhere that Ariel Sharon ordered the killing of refugees that were gathered inside a Stadium, too!

    I don't think I like that kind of war myself, shooting kids and all I mean.


  9. So they can feel like they did something.  It's like a false rush feeling but only leaves you bottomed out when it's over.

    Yes, there was grasping of straws so they can "feel" they have their way.  The place was in shambles because they got their spiritual "just dessert" but they don't notice it because they have their short term feel good.

    There is a good balance between physical and spiritual of which I hope many people will attain.

    Israel attained it and Hezbollah did not that is why they avoid what actually happened for a feel good mirage.

  10. Hi JD,

    I am not a Jew myself so I maybe the person that can give you a most honest answer to your excellent question.

    The Diaspora Jews since ages ago the only power they had was money.

    With money they could buy privileges that were forbidden to them on their host country.

    That "money-love" and uber-appreciation of personal assets, or personal property  was embedded in the Jewish psyche.

    It was a mean of survival to them and I agree 100% on that.

    When all of these people came to this new and foreign land of them, which called it "Israel" brought back with them that notion too.

    The Arab people were nomadic people for thousands of years. They do not value money  or personal property  or riches like houses , cars, leisure boats so much like the Jews do.

    So, to answer your question, if the Jews tore down 100 Lebanese buildings or bridges, that does not carry too much importance to an Arab soul.

    It's like if you take a gypsy's home. He'll go further and build a new one.

    The Jew on the other hand being a person that does not have any spiritual values, or at least on the same level with the earthly ones, measures that as a victory.

    That's the worst element if you are fighting for your country.

    That's why I think the Jews will never win in this war. They care too much about earthly values, neglecting any spiritual ones.

    That's why you see so many Arab "martyrs" too.

    I am sure that you will not understand this if you are a Jew

    and I respect it.


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