I know dreams are usually only interesting to the ones having them, but if you feel like you can make sense of this please read. Sorry kind of long. First I dreamt I was dating and making out with the host of America's Funniest Video (I'm married and he is really not my type so who knows). We were in the parking lot of a church that his father was the preacher and owner of. We were getting really carried away and wanted to well you know. So we decided to go inside and it must have been Sunday because it was full. So first I had to go pee. The restrooms were full so he took me to the offices and said I could use that restroom. There were 3 and 2 were full so I went into a handicap restroom and while I was in there this man with a handicap wife got mad at me for being in there and he barged in and pushed me off the toilet. Then there was chaos because everyone thought I was horrible for using a handicap bathroom, but this man came in while my pants were down and pushed me off the throne, but everyone thought he was right and I was wrong. I was flabergasted and wouldn't let it go. I think we were even going into like a formal meeting about it. Then I'm not sure what happened but I never did it with you know who (sorry to him, don't know why he was in my dream) but I ended up hanging out with these three guys(who I think were kind of famous people too) and doing coke. Then I was fine. They all just did a line and were crazy and I just wanted to keep doing more. What the h**l do you think all that meant?
I know this is super long so I won't be surprised if I don't get any answers, but I remember it all, it played out like a story.