
Can you tell someone is racist by their appearance?

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Like, do many racists have a certain look to them or certain dress style/features (with the exception of the pillow sheets used by the KKK lol, I'm talking about everydaywear).

I was in a pretzel place today with my friend and there was a guy with bald head, tattooed all over his body, dressed very trailer park-ish and he was giving us and everyone else really bad, hateful looks except for the white girl cashier (who was the only other white person there).

Do white racists tend to be bald, dress in American Chopper style wear, have a lot of tattoos and wear that "tough guy" look on their face? And do black racists usually wear dreadlocks (because I know most blacks who are hateful I've come across wear dreadlocks and the red, yellow, and green flag bracelets and have a lot of attitude).

I can't tell with hispanic and asian racists though. What's your take? Can you tell if someone is racist by how they look?




  1. I think that common sense can sometimes allow one to correctly perceive an individuals character. As one Adept said "Know them by their fruits", what kind of "fruits" are they presenting of themselves?

    On the other hand I recall once meeting a thoroughly well educated, polite and immaculately dressed individual at University. He was more than nice to me and we had a very pleasant conversation though I knew there was something not quite "right" about him. It was not until afterwards that I learned he was a supporter of Combat 18, an exceptionally militant neo-n**i group in the UK.

  2. Suppose the answer was yes, all white racists wear Doc Marten's & all black racists wear t-shirts with pictures of Malcom X & all Mexican racists wear Ben Davis & Dickies....what then?

    What good comes of trying to boil all of them down into a stereotype?  I mean isn't' that what "THEY"------> do?  There are a few racists you can easily pick out in the crowd like when the Grand Wizard making an appearance on the Maury Povich show or something, but mostly they look just like me, you, your mom, & my neighbor.  Racism has become more subtle than it was in past generations.  

    In this day & age you can't typically tell if somebody is racist just by how they look but you can tell if somebody is prone to prejudices by how they sound.  Think BEFORE you speak.

  3. LOL, angry look. Everything has a stereotype in America!

    Sometimes its just intuition. Sometimes its experience. You can never really know unless you see, and you could always be wrong.

  4. No! definitively NO! It's impossible to say that somebody could be "racist" just for "how he or she looks"

    Exist something called "prejudge" and only prejudging you'll guess "the truth" but (even using your right to prejudge) that will be AFTER you have a dialog with "the suspect" NEVER before!

    When I came to this country for the first time remember I saw just "racist faces" everywhere, but now I've had the fortune to find just friendly people and when I've found some "racist guy" I've known that just after to talk with she or he

  5. I don't think so, however in the UK, there are a group of neo-n**i skinheads who shave their heads and have distinct tattoos on themselves which allow others to recognize them. However, not all skin heads are racists, actually, there is a group called skinheads against racism.

    Black racists?

    A racist is racist, weather your black white green or blue, still a racist.

    You cant judge people purely by appearance, its simply impossible.

    You must know someone to understand what their ethics  and opinions on things are.

    Be careful, you can never successfully judge a book by its cover!

  6. People always think I am racist of a n**i, because I shave my head, I always wear Dickies work pants, white or black t-shirts, and work boots. I always look pissed off all the time, and I have very white skin. I always get dirty looks by black people.

  7. NO.  You judge a book by its cover.  You are putting yourself at a disadvantage.

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