
Can you tell the difference in hd tv?

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Can you tell the difference in hd tv?




  1. no, not really.  My boyfriend just bought one for $900 and I really dont see a difference.

  2. No, they made HD for fun to try and trick us all.

  3. Yes, a big difference, a lot of people say they don't see a difference, that is either because they have bad uncorrective eyesight or they are on the wrong channel (I have seen both cases)

    If you watch an HD channel, compared to SD, the difference is night and day, the main problem is, a lot of people get an HD setup (HD box, service, and everything else), but the installer sets it up, gives the bill, then just walks out of the house and dosen't tell you how to use it, so a lot of people think they are watching an HD channel and it dosen't look different than SD, fact is, they are watching an SD channel using HD hardware, so they think it's HD, for a lot of people I know, I have fight to get the remote out of their hands, and physically put in an HD channel to show them the difference, then they see

    There are 2 ways to tell the difference

    Some stations put a bug (the little thing usually on the lower right on the screen), on some HD stations, it will say something about it being HD

    Watch the SD channel of a network first, then switch to their HD channel, if you switch back and forth, you can see that the SD version is not as sharp, and it's a lot more dull and darker than the HD channel

  4. no

  5. 100% yes, anybody that says no does not have an hdtv.  I have had one for over two years, and there is a big difference with conventional tv's.

  6. Yes, but...

    Do you think DVD's have a better picture than broadcast TV?  If not then you might not notice a big difference with HD vs. SD.

    If you have a good HDTV and a good HD source (digital cable with HD programming, satellite, etc.) AND you have them properly connected (using the HDMI cables and ports is the easiest and best) you'll be able to notice quite a difference.  

    You can really see the difference if you watch outdoor scenes.  Sports is really good for this, but also the shows on Discovery and such where you can see nice vista's.

    You'll also notice that the shape of the picture is different.  HD uses a format that is wider than it is tall (16 by 9) and while normal standard def TV is wider that it is tall (4 by 9) it is a lot more noticable with HD.  Some people don't like this "theater" or widescreen view but I think most do.

    Also, just as a note there is better coming.  While 1080p is the top of the consumer standard now we'll have 1440p next.

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