
Can you tell what a person's voice sounds like from their appearance?

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if you know what a person looks like but they have never spoken before, then can you tell what their voice sounds like?




  1. no

  2. you may be able to tell an acent but thats it really

  3. I would personally say no. I know people who sound really old and depressed on the phone but are young and energetic in real life.

  4. NO, not at all. I so often had imagined a face when I heard a voice and then I met the person and this person always looked entirely different to what I had imagined from the voice... I definitely wouldn't go by the sound of a voice to tell what a person looks like.. it can be totally different from what you imagine.. just the same if you read a book and you imagine the characters and in your imagination they come to life.. you get a ''Picture of what they may look like'' and then they make it into a movie and the characters they pick are so unlike what you had imagined when you read the book.. if you read the book first you will usually be disappointed by the film.. it  is better to first watch the film and then read the book because the book is bound to be much more detailed and if you saw the film characters you will imagine the people in the book to look like them... so I don't go by voices I only know if I am attracted to a voice... or not.. but I don't know what that person looks like at all...The same goes for seeing a person.. you dont' know what their voice will sound like.. you may also be disappointed.. a great looking person and then the voice is not at all to your liking or absolutely different from what you imagine goes with the appearance of that person.. but I find it more interesting actually to hear the voice and then guess what the person looks like and I am always totally wrong with that one...for sure

  5. you can tell a little bit,yes, but it is impossible to tell exactly what they sound like because there are so many things that could change a voice

  6. No.  Attempting to guess would qualify as stereotyping. . .  That never works.

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