
Can you tell when someone is self- conscious by the way they move or their body language?

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Can you tell when someone is self- conscious by the way they move or their body language?




  1. There are many books available about body language.

    YES of course, you can tell a person's personal by that person's personal.

    Here are some examples:

    Brisk, erect walk      =>  Confidence

    Standing with hands on hips  => Readiness, aggression

    Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly  => Boredom

    Sitting, legs apart Open => relaxed

    Arms crossed on chest  => Defensiveness

    Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched   => Dejection

    Hand to cheek  =>  Evaluation, thinking

    Touching, slightly rubbing nose  =>  Rejection, doubt, lying

    Rubbing the eye =>  Doubt, disbelief

    Hands clasped behind back  =>  Anger, frustration, apprehension

    Locked ankles  =>  Apprehension

    Head resting in hand, eyes downcast  =>  Boredom

    Rubbing hands  =>  Anticipation

    Sitting with hands clasped behind head, legs crossed =>  Confidence, superiority

    Open palm  =>  Sincerity, openness, innocence

    Pinching bridge of nose, eyes closed  =>  Negative evaluation

    Tapping or drumming fingers  =>  Impatience

    Steepling fingers  =>  Authoritative

    Patting/fondling hair  =>  Lack of self-confidence; insecurity

    Tilted head  =>  Interest

    Stroking chin  =>  Trying to make a decision

    Looking down, face turned away  =>  Disbelief

    Biting nails  =>  Insecurity, nervousness

    Pulling or tugging at ear  =>  Indecision

  2. yeah, definitely, if they touch their hairs, rub their hands, etc.

  3. I would have to agee, like if they are sitting down and have to hold something over their body. Like for instance maybe a pillow or blanket. Or maybe even when it's really hot outside and they were a hoodie because they are uncomfortable with their body.....

  4. most of the time, yes

  5. Yes. Head down and not looking people in the eye. If not a physical problem sometimes walking slower. Be nice to anyone you think has a problem and say "Hi!" to them.

  6. Sort of and sometimes.

  7. Yes, without a doubt.

  8. Definitely. If someone is crossing their arms, can't stand/sit still, constantly adjusting their clothes or looking around a lot they tend to be feeling self conscious ;-)

  9. not always; i consider myself self conscious but you'd never know it. I hide it so well. some people can hide it easily, others can't. It all depends on if you know how to present yourself.
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