
Can you tell which programming language was used to build a web site, just by looking at it?

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Can you tell which programming language was used to build a web site, just by looking at it?




  1. You could right-click on it and go to View Source, and look at the source code for the website. From that you may be able to tell if Java or whatever was used to build the site.

  2. Looking at IT, no, looking at the URL, maybe, looking at the source code defiantly.

  3. If you mean languages that are processed by your browser (and/or plugins): right-click and check the source for <script> or <embed> tags.

    If you mean languages that are processed by the webserver before sending the page to the client (like PHP, Perl, ASP, ...) - you might know by looking at the extension of the page but even that may be misleading. It's all about the server configuration really. So there's no real telling for server-side processing short of asking the webmaster himself.

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