
Can you text/call from Verizon cellphone in Japan?

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My friend and I are going to Japan in December and I was curious if we would be able to send/receive texts or phone calls (with our cellphones that are have Verizon) from our other friends who would be back in America at the time. Any knowledge on this subject would be a help. Thanks. :]




  1. Nope. Verizon runs on CDMA and Japan is on GSM. Your best bet is purchase an unlock GSM phone here and then purchase a local SIM card in Japan. Then you text the typing +011AreaCodeThenPhoneNumber

  2. No, your phone will not work once you arrive in Japan. We are on a different system, and from what I have heard it has not been resolved yet.

    For example, I can receive some text, but I cant send text out to my friends in US.

    But, you should check with your service provider. Sometimes when you get to the other country, your service provider will have a deal with a local one, giving you access.

    In sum, I dont think so, but check with Verizon to be sure.

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