
Can you think of a person you like but has different religious (including lack thereof) beliefs than you?

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What do you like about them?




  1. Yes a girl named Candice, She is a cool girl I hang out with but she is also a brainwashed Christian. This girl thinks the earth is less than 6000 years old and that evolution is a "liberal lie". Otherwise she is the biggest party girl I know, she is your typical college girl but let's just say people laugh at her in Bio.  

  2. Anyone like me? I've never met anyone like me in my whole life. But I've had Protestant/Presbyterian/Catholic/ and Wiccan friends

    Edit: Yup looks like I did. My mistake.

  3. Yes my dear, my friends, the person whom i love is a Hindu, but am challenging myself that i have to bring their soul to god.

    The main biggest pain is when they pray to Idols which have ears but not hear, have mouth but not talk, have hands but not bless nor help, they are just dust thats it.

    I lost many friends because i tell them whats the reality, because i was sent to this world to spread Jesus word. Every moment am in tears when i see them doing all these, even now am in tears when am telling you this, i fast for many days in prayer for them to know Jesus Christ, but don't know why my God is making their heart a stone still. They believe in miracles, but do not want to come to Jesus.

    Am broke in tears sorry not able to explain you more, sorry. Let Jesus give his wisdom to everyone

  4. I have many, many friends of different faiths/beliefs/ or none at all. I like them, because they have many of the qualities I think are indicative of a good friend -- humor, caring, sincerity, loving, empathetic, easy to talk with share etc etc.

  5. My significant other. She grew up Christian while I grew up Jewish (but now I'm atheist).

  6. Yes--my bff of 14 years. She is a 'new age spiritualist' and accepts me for me. We can openly discuss our beliefs without feeling like the other one is trying to "convert" the other one. We have learned a lot from one another and we are comfortable with who we are around each other.  

  7. My best friend is a devout Christian.  It's what we do have in common that make us friends.  I'm sure he feels the same way.

  8. I'm good friends with someone who is basically my polar opposite. Hardcore Christian, extremely right-wing conservative, pro-life, pro-capital punishment, you name it. But we get along because we don't let our opposing beliefs and values get in the way.

  9. Yes, I am an atheist, but many of my dear friends are Mormon and Evangelical Christians, and I also have close friends who are Hindu and and Muslim. I don't think religion should ever come between friends. If everyone just accepted everyone as they are, I think the world would be a better place. My friends are crazy and wonderful, the type of people who are more than happy to entertain conversation at 3am, or go dance in a rain puddle.  

  10. Yes, I can think of many.  Most are here on answers.  I respect them a great deal.

  11. Yes.  I have many dear friends of different beliefs and no beliefs.  I love them because they are fantastic, interesting, smart people.

  12. My mother believed in God strongly (God rest her soul), and a friend of the family since before I was born is Bishop Babin, I loved mom with all my heart and Bishop Babin loves to kid me about not believing in God, and keeps telling me he's going to send some Sister's to convert me, we have so much fun with each other, I think that is why I have so much respect for people who have the faith... and I hope they never give it up either.

  13. I know loads of people that I like and respect who do not have the same beliefs as me. Some of the most impressive ones are Mormons. I know two Mormon pharmacists in particular who are honest, caring, compassionate,and treat every person the same. They are not only exemplary pharmacists, they are exemplary human beings.

  14. best friend although she is a different religion and a regular god worshiper then i am and im an atheist, ilove her and we never talk about that stuff when we are with each other and if she does, i get up and walk away

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