
Can you think of examples where paranormal believers have given irresponsible advice?

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Such as when people say they are having trouble with their electrical supply or appliance and since it is a 'known fact' that ghosts can absorb electrical energy the advice given is to burn sage instead of calling an electrician.




  1. Yes, anytime children are involved. It pains me to see parents encouraging their children into mystical thinking and validating their fears of ghosts and delusions of superpowers (e.g., "Indigo children")  instead of addressing it right away with reason and logic. Children depend on their parents to help them learn to interpret the world correctly and not confuse their imaginary world with the real one. I'm not a psychiatrist, so feel free to ignore my opinion, but I think this is could be potentially damaging, psychologically. I am not making the generalization that paranormal believers are bad parents but this is a big mistake to make with children.

  2. The most extreme that I think anyone has given is in Tanzania this year. Alleged psychics advise that the blood and body parts of albinos ensure a good love life and money. Needless to say, over thirty are known to have been murdered including a 4 month old baby.

    I've seen kids ask questions about sleep disorders and been stunned by replies saying ,factually, it's demons and ghosts! Why make a bad situation worse with thoughtless advice like that? Why make some kid terrified of something that DOES NOT exist? More productive to deal with the disorder and offer solutions. It make's me quite mad.

    Keep it up Jonquille, throwing the odd bit of reason or fun amidst  (at times) 20 answers of mystical nonsense is no bad thing. It's offering a perspective.

  3. I have a friend who relied on paranormal business advice, and went bankrupt.

    Advice: don't repeat damaging "known facts" where people might see them and think they are true I know it's quite amazing what people believe.

  4. Okay, first off all, good investigators do not go right to the answer, its a ghost. We take in consideration anything possible.

    second, why do you stick around the paranormal phenomena forum if you don't believe? Sounds weird and immature! Have a nice day! ; )

  5. Well, I guess you guys just showed that other guy, huh? Touche! Good job!  

  6. I new this girl who was distraught (boy trouble, money for bills, no skills or education and mentally unstable), so she went to a "psychic" or spiritual adviser for help. This adviser told this poor girl that she needed to bring her Pure gold coins or ingots to make her an idol to pray to. She did as the adviser requested and had herself two idols made to pray to and do god knows what else with. This is a free country and we are allowed to make poor choices in life, but this girl was mentally unstable, but going to college and trying to better herself. This "adviser" convinced her that it would work out better in the long run for her to spend her savings an money for college to get the gold for these idols. I was able to view these idols and I am an expert in precious metals, they were copper with gold electro-plate so they appeared to the untrained to be solid Gold, but in fact have almost none. This girl wasn't able to go to school and her life completely unraveled due to her belief superstition. Subsequently, she doused her appartment with gasoline, moved all of her furniture in front of the door and set her appartment ablaze. Obviously she was mentally unstable and these "advisers" prey on these types of people, in my opinion they are on par with other con artist and should be prosecuted as criminals.

    She did live, and the last I heard she was living at the state hospital. It saddens me deeply that people belive in fantasy, if she would have went to a psyciatric professional, mabey this could have been avoided.

  7. I see it all the time.

    People will give examples of health risks that are happening in their homes: like everyone feeling nauseous, getting cramps or head aches.

    That's a classic sign of a gas leak, or CO2 poisoning in the home.

    It doesn't require one to burn sage, as it does to open windows and doors to allow fresh air into the home, and then calling a professional HVAC person to inspect the furnace.

    I really wonder if some of the Yahoo's on here are willing to take any responsibility for giving someone false information.

  8. Jonquil, not all of us believers are ******* retarded. Some of us do use our common sense.

    Pardon my French.

  9. How about all the people who have paid psychics over the years?  There are quite a few stories on .  She even broke up families - telling people their spouse had cheated, or their father wasn't really their father, etc.  Not to mention constantly giving bad medical advice.  

  10. Just by not being honest, or trying to push people in a certain direction for their own agenda...which is why skeptics are so important

  11. In Africa,where belief in the paranormal is normal.Superstition causes much harm.Witches are burned.ethnic groups are murdered.It's not a harmless pastime in many places.

    Even in America and Europe people suffer.Faith healers promise cures.People believe and die as a result,Certain churches demand their people pray rather then seek medical help.Many folks and even their children die as a result.How dangerous the paranormal/superstition is.It depends on,how educated,where you are and what you're willing to believe.

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