
Can you think outside the box? Can you catch the jist of what I'm trying to say? Tell me what you think after

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To go to a job and push papers with a bunch of woman or go and lay brick with a bunch of men? This is our life?

People go to the bar to meet other people and they intoxicate and pollute their body. Yet, if they had just left all the apple orchards alone people would have gone into the fields to pick the healty fruit and meet each other. If that meant going into the field and losing your life, then at least you died participating. Today, most die a miserable slow non-participating death. So, I ask you where are the apples to be picked? Where is the community? Where is the love? I have yet to see any of it here in USA. Off to a job and push papers with a bunch of woman/men or go and lay brick with a bunch of men?

If you have the ability think outside the box and catch my drift on the above you will see that what we could have had could have been very nice. Agreed?




  1. Sounds like you live in an area with a bunch of bars and secretaries.  You don't have to drink in the bars.  We have the freedom to go to the apple orchards of life and meet the others who have made that decesion as well.  If you're not a drunk, why try to meet a drunk?  You go to the apple orchard because the fruit is fresh and delicious and it's pleasing.  All the others there agree.  A drunk will not pick fruit and a drunk will not taint the apple orchard with their presence.  So go to the apple orchard and pick apples with all the others and meed people worth meeting and worth spending your life with.

  2. Are you looking for a sociological view here?  It is a good question for sure.  ONe of the reason for the development of communes in the 60's for example, was that people were fed up with the alienation in society, that is, how we are cut off from our own life energy/experience, by being workers in an economic system based on exploitation.   Many feel trapped in the cold external material workaday world of modern times.   There are those who are trying to get back to the land, and off the grid, to reconnect with their lives and community.  The next years will be interesting to observe, and participate in.

  3. The Eden reference is pretty obvious, but I hear ya.

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