
Can you touch the posts in a penalty kick or conversion in Rugby.?

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Can you touch the posts in a penalty kick or conversion in Rugby.?




  1. Yes, as long as the ball goes through the posts

  2. The ball can hit the post, the ball just needs to pass through for it to be good (whether it richochets off the post or hits the cross bar and bounces in). When scoring a try, if you dive into the post, I don't think that matters (as long as you get the ball down over the line).

  3. If you mean can you as the opposing team touch the posts, yes so long as you are not interfering with the angle of the uprights or level of the crossbar, for instance you may not push or lean sufficiently to make the posts/crossbar move.

    However if you are refering to whether the ball can hit the bar or posts then that is fine so long as the ball eventually goes over the crossbar & between the posts no matter how many times it bounces off.

    I have seen a kick hit both uprights then hit the crossbar before dropping over for the 2 points.

  4. Yes as long as it goes through the top half of the posts

  5. As long as it deflects between the posts - no prob

  6. Yes it can. As long as it goes in between the 2 bars and over the cross bar. Then it should be sweet.

  7. You mean while the other team is taking a kick at goal?  If so, then the answer is NO... you cannot touch the posts while a kick is being taken.


    LOL 2 people voted that my answer was bad???  Go read a rule book... you are not allowed to touch the posts when the other team is kicking for goal.

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