
Can you train a horse in Western Pleasure and Classical Dressage?

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I took Western lessons for about seven years, and I particularly loved Western Pleasure and Barrel racing, which were both my strongest spots. I am taking dressage lessons right now, just the basics though up to about Level two, and I might take it a bit further into classical dressage, only if I have the time and resources to own a horse though.

So, that brings me to my question: is it possible to train a horse in Western Pleasure and Classical Dressage, even past level two into more advance levels? Does it just depend on the willingness and physical ability of the horse, or can only certain breeds achieve this, or something else?

I would think that Western Pleasure and Dressage could go hand-in-hand, since both require limited rein movement and the position of the rider in the seat to tell the horse what to do, generally.




  1. Yes, it can be done and the horse will adapt and excell at both disciplines...they are very similar, with the style of reining being the only challenge to overcome. My guy could half pass and pirouette, and turn around and show western pleasure, horsemanship, trail, and gymkhana.A western pleasure horse is not trained to work on the forehand, not a properly trained one.

  2. I have no doubt that a horse can learn the two. I do dressage and hunter work on my horse without a problem. We do the up, on the bit frame for dressage and the long/low frame from hunter. All we do is a bridle switch in between. We are not very high level in either but I have no doubt that we will be able to continue both disiplines without any major issues.

  3. Yes you can train a horse for both.  There was a Quarter Horse a few years ago that was awarded Superhorse status ( brain f**t I forget his name) but he had titles in western pleasure, hunter under saddle, halter and was being trined in the highest levels of Dressage.

  4. yes it can be done although it is very hard to train your horse to be able to do both.First of my suggestion is to have two different bit taste and all.

    I know that this can be done because my friend has done the same thing she is like at level four or so in Classical Dressage and she is always in the top three in western pleasure.

    Good Luck on the horse training.

  5. Oh, you asked the right question for me! I am a total dressage freak. Well, honestly you really have to do one or the other if you are going to be doing FEI levels (first level or up). If you want to get a horse to like fourth level, you cant be doing western at the same time. It just dosent work that way. The 2 diciplines are so different. Dressage involves a high level of collection, especially if you are going to be doing flying changes and turns on the haunches. Western, however, has a completely open frame where the horse is mostly on the forehand. As you can see, it would confuse the horse greatly if you asked one day for collection and off-the-forehand work and the other you asked for an open frame with the horse on the forehand. I would stick with the dressage. It teaches both dicipline, balance, and collection while building muscle and helping a horse mentally. Anyone can do western, it takes a strong rider to do dressage.

    Happy riding!

  6. dressage covers all the basics of riding. . . any horse can do dressage at some level.  there is western style dressage, i'm drawing a blank on what it's exactly called right now. . . but i seen it at a show once (upper level state show). anyway, dressage is good for the horse and rider (no matter how much i hated it).

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