
Can you train hamsters to sleep during the night and not through the day?

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I really need to know because my hamster ; Sherbett is always asleep during the day and keeps me up all night. The cage has a wheel on top which has a door on it which closes to stop them going in but she bites on the door to get it open or even opens it herself so i put pink tack on eitehr side of the outside of the wheel to stop it from spinning. I also clips the cage door to stop her from opening it to get out. Aswel as this i also have a bed on top of the cage and in the cage so she has two choices of where to sleep (one dark 1 light) and iput a hair band aroound the hatch of it so she cant get it open. I also put a shower cap with air holes on it ontop of the bed so she doesnt scratch at the plastics during the night. I am wondering what else i can do to stop her biting on the bars (not includsing getting a new cage or putting books around the cage) and how i can make her sleep during the night and stay awake at daytime as i wouldnt mind what she usually does at night 2-b-at-dayt




  1. Don't be so silly, of course you can't.  If you don't want a pet that is awake at night making noise then you shouldn't have one that does exactly that should you?  

    There are plenty of pets available that sleep at night.  I'd suggest doing a bit more research into a potential pet in future before getting it!

  2. Why get a nocturnal animal if you want a pet that is awake during the day?

    And hamsters need excercise, do not stop him from using this. It will make him fat and can make him sick.

    If he bothers you at night, just put him in the bathroom or away from you in that time frame.

    And next time, before you get a pet, do some thorough investigating

  3. you cant

    they are nocturnal animals

    they bite on the cage because their teeth never stop growing try a wooden chew toy :)

  4. I am sorry to say that they are naturally nocturnal but you can try to keep her up all day so that she sleeps at night

    hope it helps

  5. I'm afraid the only answer I know for stopping bar biting is a larger cage or more toys for stimulation.

    Hamsters must exercise during the night, and this can't be changed, as Hamsters are naturally nocturnal. It's just her natural behaviour, and she isn't doing anything wrong!

  6. no, its nocturnal. no more no less

  7. no, they are nocternal.

  8. no, hamsters are nocturnal.

  9. keep him up all day and  he'll sleep at night because i took my class hammy home and she was a pain. so try that and email me at if it doesn't work

  10. No, hamsters are naturally nocturnal.

  11. It is possible, but I wouldn't recommend it.

    I've seen hamsters who were trained to be diurnal.

    Teaching a hamster staying up the whole day and asleep it night is not impossible, but it requires a lot of patience...but you can even risk the hamster's life.

    If you try to change it's daily schedule, your hamster will get stressed out, and the stress could cause unwanted illness, which are mostly life Wet Tail.

    But if you still want to do it, keep your hamster busy the whole day (which means you have to keep yourself busy the whole day playing with the hamster)

    It will take a lot of time...your hamster though, will eventually get tired and go to sleep..

    Even if it does become diurnal, it won't stay that way for long...your hamster will return to its natural schedule sooner or all the hard work will be a waste.

    About the noises, give your hamster some chew toys to chew on (wooden blocks are available at the pet store)

    Apply Vaseline on the cage is safe and your hammy won't like the taste, so it will decide against biting the cage bars.

    I suggest, you use some cotton to block your ear holes if you can't sleep.

    That's just a hamster, and its doing what it is supposed  to do!


    You'll get used to the noise anyway.


    Have a Good Day!


    ¸.•*´`*♥Shining ★ Star♥*´`*•.¸

  12. Sorry, but hamsters are most active at night and this would be very difficult to undo.  I think you should put the cage in another room (like the bathroom with the door closed)  so that you won' be able to hear.  You should let your hamster use the wheel at night, they need exercise to keep from getting fat.

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