
Can you transfer a phone number?

by  |  earlier

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Im moving house and i want to know if it's possible to keep the telephone number. It's the number that all my clients have and im worried that once i move that shaln't be able to contact me . Therefore can my number be taken with me to a new house?

Thanks in advance




  1. call your phone provider as ask them to "port" your number!!

  2. Yes you can keep the same number, i did when i moved, but i think theres a small charge.

    I moved in the same area, i'm not sure if you can if you are moving far away, but i know that there is a messaging service you could use, so when people ring your old number they will be given a message with your new number.

    ie  'This phone number has now changed to 0000000'

    I think there is also a charge for this.

  3. if you are moving outside of an area served by the same exchange they may hassle you, and may even deny you the ability to port your number to your new location.. if that is the case, then get an account with a VoIP provider, preferably your cable company (you also need high speed internet) and port your number to that VoIP service..

  4. If it is a landline, 99% it is not possible.

    If you are moving in the same locallity of that telephone exchange is located, they it is possible.

    IF u r moving somewhere far, then it will not be possile, as you have to be conneced via that area exchange, whihc wil have a different set of numbers in its telephone exchange board.

    If its a Wireless local loop (WLL) phone, then also i thikn its the same case.

    But if its some other wireless phones, then yes, u should be able to transferr the same number.

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