
Can you translate For the Lord God omnipotent reigns in Patois Papiamento Maya Quechua Guaraní Mapuche?

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This is the last verse of Handel's Messiah Hallellujah!




  1. The subject of Haendel's Hallelujah is found in Apocalipsis 19:6  and  19:16

    Search for that passages on

    They have versions in many languages, like Nahuatl:

    EL APOCALIPSIS 19:6 (Náhuatl de Guerrero)

    Náhuatl de Guerrero (ngu)

    Copyright © 1987 by La Liga Biblica

    On Borreguito nonamictia niman quitlalhuichihuiliaj

    6 Quemaj onicac quen miyec tlacatl tlajtlajtohuaya. Ocaquistic quen caquisti on hueyi atl ijcuac huejcatlan ontoyajticaj, niman quen ijcuac sanoyej[a] chicahuac tlacomoni. On tlajtojli ijquin quijtohuaya:

       ¡Ma quiyectenehuacan toDios! pampa on toTeco Dios yejhuan nochi hueli yopeu tlamandarohua.

  2. Actually, I thought it was "And He shall reign for ever and ever".

    Your total lack of punctuation (e.g. commas) rather gives the impression that you think Patois Papiamento Maya Quechua Guaraní Mapuche is one single language. Nevertheless, I, too,would be fascinated to see if any one can answer any or all of your question - especially in Quechua and Guaraní.

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