
Can you translate the following Turkish sentence into English?

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Elemterefish kem gozlere shish, goz edenin gozune kizgin shish.




  1. I want to marry some rich, silly old British woman and take her for everything she's got.

  2. This is impossible to translate literally. It's an old nursery rhyme that's supposed to ward off "evil look". You might say that when you are praising somebody's beauty or success for example. (If you are not familiar with the idea of "evil look" or "evil eye", it is a folk belief that the envy elicited by the good luck of fortunate people may result in their misfortune, whether it is envy of material possessions or of beauty, health, or offspring.)

  3. Elemterefish (actually doesnt mean anything in turkish), stick into evil eyes, who makes evil look, stick into his/her eyes.

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