
Can you travel out of the country by yourself if under 18?

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OK you have a passport and do you have to have somebody with you if you were traveling out of the country?




  1. yes, i'm 17 now and i have travelled alone several times before..i might have got some assistance before, but i became more familiar with how things's easier than it looks, according to me at least.

  2. yeah you can since you're 16.

    just have a passport and i'm sure theres a buttload of paper work and liability c**p to fill out though lol

  3. i think an adult have to go with u to the airport and accompany u through it but u can go by yourself onto the plane to travel out. just make sure to have someone to pick u up on the other side.

  4. You can travel when you're less than 18 but the kind of paperwork that you need will depend upon where you travel.  Some countries require a written afidavit from both parents.

  5. YES, but make sure you have a pass-port or VISA.

  6. yeaup, they have flight attendants that will pay special attention to you to make sure everythings all right

    a little boy in grade 1 travelled to hong kong by himself and he survived ;)

  7. No as long as youre over 14.

  8. I wouldn't travel alone, but here's your answer.  

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