
Can you travel to Cancun on vacation if you are on probation?

by  |  earlier

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I have a trip to Cancun but am on probation for a felony assault charge. I am planning on flying not driving. Will it be an issue at the airport in the U.S or in Mexico. I know it use to be easy to go there but I've heard that it's alot harder since 9/11 is this true. My trip package expires this year and I would really love to go see the beautiful beaches of Mexico. Please help if you know anything. Thanks




  1. My friend is and we are going next week, she just had to let her PO know.

  2. It would surely be in violation of your probation.  you need to call your probation officer and ask...and see if you may obtain permission.  If you have permission and a pssport, then there suld not be a problem.

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