
Can you travel to North Korea?

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I'm not a communist. This seems kind of awkaward. But, I'm really curious... Do North Koreans allow tourist now? I read that they accept tourist, but watch every step you take (literally). I just maybe want to learn their culture in intense propaganda. I hear they welcome tourist who are willing to learn Korean culture in N. Korea. I also believe the expenses are not much compare to S. Korea. The reason why I am saying North instead of South Korea is because I already travelled to south Korea, but this time I wanted to go to North. See the difference between a communist and a capitalist government. Alos, I just want visit North. Please don't write stupid remarks. like, "go to south Korea"...Just answer my question!

I want a Korean to answer this question! I prefer someone who lived in Korea then moved to America...Maybe when he was 10 or something




  1. Just because you asked for a Korean I'm going to go out of my way and recommend that you go and tell us how it is.  We'll know your thoughts by whether or not you come back.

  2. I'm not Korea, you can take a tour but it's a guided one and they don't really let you talk to real people that live there

  3. There are two ways to go about it. Either way, visas tend to be very expensive.

    1) You can travel through China to North Korea. These tours are good if you plan on staying more then a day.

    2) You can now travel to two parts of North Korea from the South. One part is Kyumkang Mtn which you can stay overnight. Right now those tours are suspended pending an investigation of the shooting of a South Korean woman who went into an area she wasn't suppose to.

    The second is a day trip to Kaesong. The cost is 180,000 KRW  (1=1,016) and includes the cost of the visa and lunch.  

  4. If you want to, sure. But from what I've heard, don't expect to have much fun while you're there. North Koreans are really attached to their own culture, and if I understand correctly, they don't think too highly of anyone in the western world.

  5. North Korea greaatly restricts the travel of foreign citizens .  It is very difficult to get permission to enter, then you are accompanied at all times by a "guide" who allows you to see only what they ant you to see.  See site below.

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