
Can you travel to the UK and Ireland alone if you're 18?

by  |  earlier

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I want to travel to Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England when I graduate 12th grade (I'll be 18), but is it allowed to go alone? I'd be going for a couple of months...

Thanks in advance.




  1. Yes, but it may be more fun if you take someone with you.

  2. Yes, and find a buddy, more fun, and safer.  Get your passport!

  3. Yes, but you may only do it with in the first 3 weeks after your 18th birthday. Anytime after that, until you are age 62, you'll be arrested, placed in a tower with nothing to live on but cactus and old copy's of MAD magazine and expected to do the laundry for the House of Commons with nothing but a No.2 pencil for twenty-five years, over the course of which your family will be compelled to purchase stock in a company, yet unknown, at a rate of $50,000 annually. Upon release, you will be required to beg the court to mercifully place you back in said tower for another 25 years, thus satisfying justice.

    But I jest! :)

    Go for it! There is no law against it.

  4. On many flights in the UK, you have to be 16 to fly alone.

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