
Can you trick your body w/ Fenugreek?

by Guest33441  |  earlier

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For example, take it until your milk supply increases

Stop taking it for a few weeks

Then, start it back up again to see an even greater increase?

(I've already tried upping the dosage.)




  1.   When I was taking Fenugreek, I would only take it during periods when baby wasn't nursing frequently enough to keep my supply up, usually staying on it for two to three-week periods.

    No, you will not see a greater increase if you take it long enough to up your supply, stop, and then take it again to up your already increased supply.  It will most likely just maintain your already increased supply.

    However, if you would like Fenugreek to be more effective, you can use it in conjunction with Blessed Thistle.

  2. i dunno try it and let us know sounds like it might work

  3. You should see some increase but I don't know why it would be greater?

    Generally you should stop taking it slowly and then you won't see a decrease in your supply.

    Fenugreek Seed for Increasing Milk Supply

  4. I tried it. Doesn't work. At least it didn't for me. I took it to increase my supply and then got sick of the smell. (the maple syrup smell) My supply greatly diminished and when I started back up again my supply just puttered out. (1 oz per day-8 pumpings)  If your supply is really low ask your dr about Reglan.  Good luck!

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