
Can you try too hard to get pregnant?

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Hello all you ladies ttc and those who have already gotten their BFP. I was just wondering your opinion on this. This will be the fifth month for my DH and I ttc. I have tried a little bit of everything from OPK and BBT and charting. Every month I keep getting my hopes up just to get a BFN. On top of all this stress I have just learned that my sister is getting married next June so If I dont get my BFP this month it will put me in a compromising position as I am the Matron of Honor and as much as I want my bundle of joy I dont know how comfortable and / or easy it will be to carry out Matron of Honor Duties being VERY pregnant. This month our game plan is just to relax and not try so hard so let me know what your opinion is, should I try just as hard this month or should I take it easy as planned. Thanks!




  1. i'm not sure there's such thing as trying too hard. however, i feel your pain, and understand what you're going through. i think you're plan for this month is a very good one. as far as the matron of honor duties, i'm sure your sister will understand if you can't do them. good luck and lot of baby dust!

  2. In my honest opinion (and from what I've read), things happen when you least expect it.  If you are putting alot of stress on yourself and your DH to perform, then nothing probably will happen.  I'm TTC also but just into the 2nd month of it.  But we both get our hopes up and we are disappointed when my period shows up.  In a sense, we feel like we've failed ourselves and each other to a degree and that will cause more than enough stress than what any couple needs.  I would say make the conditions as favorable as possible.  OPK's, according to my doctor, are the most reliable method of detecting ovulation. He said charting temps and cervical positions/mucous is outdated because it varies so great from woman to woman and month to month.  I would stick with OPK's only...and remember, practice makes perfect!  You'll eventually get your BFP - when you probably decide to take it easy on yourselves.  The best of wishes to you!

  3. Take it easy.  You need a break from this stress.  Go to the beach or do something relaxing.  Stress can be very hard on a TTCer.  I'm not saying to use protection or anything, just don't keep your mind occupied.  Oh yeah, and be sure to eat healthy to keep your vitamins up!

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