
Can you turn in a savings bond prematurely?

by  |  earlier

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IM teenager and got a 100 doller savings bond and i need 50 dollers now. Since the person i got it from paid 50 dollers fo it can i just go to the bank and get the 50 dollers for it now?




  1. Take it to any bank after 6 months.

  2. You must hold on to the bond for at least one year.  After a year, you can cash it in.  However, it takes many years for bonds to reach maturity which means that the bond will not be worth $100 for some time, or even $50.  There is also a penalty for cashing in the bond before 5 years is up.

  3. You should keep it and get your $50.00 another way....

  4. Once it is 6 months old, you can cash it.

  5. You will pay a penalty if you turn it in early.  Do yourself a favor and hang onto it.

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