
Can you turn right on a red light?

by  |  earlier

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i live in los angeles, california and i saw that when cops are around, that no body makes the right turn on a red light and also no right turns when street cameras are around. I wonder is making this right turn wrong on a red light?

oh yeah, what do you do when you are about to make a right turn on a red light and you want to make the right turn on a green light, and you wait and then the car behind you blows his horn in trying to make you turn, what do you do?




  1. Yes you can turn right on a red light, here is the actual law out of the DMV vehicle code book. See especially section B

    Circular Red or Red Arrow (Division 11 Chapter 2 Article 3 section 21453.

    " (a) A driver facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a marked limit line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain stopped until an indication to proceed is shown, except as provided in subdivision (b).

    (b) Except when a sign is in place prohibiting a turn, a driver, after stopping as required by subdivision (a), facing a steady circular red signal, may turn right, or turn left from a one-way street onto a one-way street. A driver making that turn shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to any vehicle that has approached or is approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard to the driver, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to that vehicle until the driver can proceed with reasonable safety.

  2. The other users are correct; I just wanted to add that sometimes (here in Texas, anyway) there are some stop lights that have a white sign posted explaining that you cannot even turn on a red light. Unless that sign is present, you're okay to turn.

  3. Right turn on red is allowed in most states. But you have to make a COMPLETE STOP before you do a right on red.  

    So on a green light, you should just slow so you can make the turn.

    On red, you stop, make sure it's clear, then go. Even if it's all clear, you need to stop first.

  4. yes you can do it as long as you stop completly before making the turn and make sure that no one is coming obviously. The only way that you can't is if there is a no turn on red sign.

  5. Right on red is legal as long as there are no signs posted that say that you cannot and the reason people dont turn right on red when a police officer is around is because they are fearful and are not thinking.................

    The one thing that you must remember and you guys are the ones that made this popular is dont do the "California Stop".

    This is where you slow down and dont make a full stop and then turn, you will get a ticket for this..........................

  6. In most states (California included), a right turn on red is permitted after stopping as long as there isn't a sign stating otherwise. Some signs indicate that you may turn right on an arrow only.

    Sometimes there may be a sign, but it could be placed in a bad location. Michigan (my home state) is known for this. Many "no turn on red" signs are situated in a spot where the first vehicle in line cannot see them. If you didn't notice it when you approached the intersection, you're out of luck. In that case, it's best to wait for the green.

    You are not required to make the turn, even if there are no restrictions. If you'd rather wait for the green, that's your prerogative. But if you wait, expect some horn honking from impatient people behind you.

  7. Turn on your right turn signal and make the turn.  Be sure no vehicles are coming.

  8. you can turn right on red in just about every state if all is clear or there is not sign saying you cant turn right on red so since they was someone blowing then id say you should turn and go

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