
Can you under stand that dutch women not making a fuss after what that child said to her would you

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have done some think




  1. Well to be honest if only she could see what she is saying, she is digging a grave for herself .

    She has to be the biggest idiot in Europe to let the child walk out of her shop like she did, if she believed it to be Madeleine :)

  2. the case was not publicized in the netherlands.

  3. i was going to put this question on! I think she may know she got her facts wrong! If you were sure you would go to a national british newspaper!  

  4. no authority to do so.

    No proof at the time

    easily could have been a blonde girl claiming to be her

  5. I understand that she did make a fuss. To the Police in Holland who passed the information on to the PJs. I can't understand why they didn't make a fuss.

    This hasn't just been reported. It was reported last June.

  6. No and I think its all more spin to take away from the revelations of the Police files. It was investigated and considering that according to kate, Madeleine didn't like being called Maddy, I find it hard to imagine a child coming out with that. And seeing as Madeleine has been publicised world-wide, I can't imagine any genuine sighting not causing an immediate response. It wasn't Madeleine so the fuss was for what?


  7. You seem to think that anyone would do that, she did not know that a child was missing, or so the report said in my paper, it was only after wards having read about it, that she contacted the police. The portuguese police did not contact her, which if you think about it they should have done.

  8. Don't blame her, blame the Pigs!

  9. The woman hadn't heard about Madeleine's disappearance at the time and as the child didn't seem distressed she probably thought it was just some sort of childish fantasy, children do come out with some very strange things at that age.  She went to the police after she heard about Madeleine on the news.


    Have just seen this, it gets worse, a second Dutch woman thought she saw Madeleine with the couple and the Dutch police actually came and interviewed the woman with the child and were convinced by her story she was babysitting her and didn't take it any further.

  10. yet someone else making money out of poor little Maddy

    But i suppose you can't blame people for trying, when even her parents are at it

    God Bless Madeline McCann, born to such terrible parents

    Who put their own enjoyment before their children

  11. as usual seven makes an excellent point!!! she didn't like to be called Maddy and used to apparently correct people and insist that her name was "Madeleine"!

    if a child tells you that she was taken away from her mummy by the stranger she is with, surely you do something (anything) to suss the situation out more instead of just letting them stroll out of the shop.

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