
Can you use JavaScript, PHP and MySQL on free websites like freewebs?

by  |  earlier

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Or any other free web sites

I just want to put all i have learnt (web design) into practice on-line.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Freewebs has the option to use HTML. Basicially it is an empty text box and would allow you to use javascript and CSS.

    It probably wouldn't allow you to use PHP or MySQL and I doubt any freesite would. If you want to pratice them you either need to buy a domain name or you could maybe just use notepad

  2. First of all, you have to understand the difference between server-side languages and client-side languages. Server languages (PHP, MySQL) are the ones that are actually run on the server and therefore it depends on the server if you're able to use it.

    Freewebs does NOT allow you to use PHP, or any server-side language for that matter. There are some free web hosts that do, but you'll have to search around a bit yourself for those.

    Javascript should be allowed since it's actually executed on the client's side. If it doesn't work even after you tried then it means that Freewebs is just S****y enough to check your web pages and even filter out all the Javascript, but I kind of doubt it would do that.

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