
Can you use SEO friendly page titles in os commerce?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking about using Os commerce. Can it do shortened page titles instead of the long PHP titles with the "?" in there?

Also, can I build my pages using HTML?





  1. I suggest strongly against changing the os commerce. once you change it you will not be able to upgrade to the next os commerce version.

    you have a few options:

    1. keep using os commerce; maybe in the future they will have an seo friendly url version

    2. change to a different system

    3. change the osCommerce code and stay with the modified version for a very long time

  2. You will need to rewrite the META keyword, title and description tags to optimize each page so you don't have those long urls. Research SEO or buy the book SEO for Dummies (Search Engine Optimization), they will give you helpful information on getting your Website top rankings.

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