
Can you use a 12v battery chargerlead to power a cb radio???

by  |  earlier

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becuase i want to power my radio in the house!




  1. Yes you can but unless you have a stablized charger you may damage the CB radio through excess voltage.

    The answer is to get a 12 volt battery to run the CB from and then connect and use the charger to keep the battery charged. The battery will act as a stablizer.

  2. yes u can

  3. Yes, it can.  However, generally the DC power that comes from it is in the form of two half sine waves and often it exceeds 12v.  To overcome this problem, run it through a battery as indicated by one of the other responders.

    Alternatively, connect a capacitor across the output of the battery charger to smooth the DC .  Also I would suggest placing a zener diode across the output to limit it to 12v.  

    This conversion is relatively simple and I am sure that someone at a shop selling electronic components will be able to tell you exactly what components to purchase and how to wire them up.  (Note wide range of capacitor and zener diode numbers that would be suitable)

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