
Can you use a A/C circulation fan for a hydro-electric generator?

by Guest62328  |  earlier

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I found a *free* possibly broken A/C and I managed to get the circulation fan intact including its housing and would like to know if anyone has modified one of these to generate power from a running water source such as a small creek.

For those who understand it, it looks like it could be converted to a slightly rudimentary Baki turbine (aka Crossflow, Banki-Michell, Ossberger turbine) with water entering from the top and exiting from a hole cut in the bottom somwhere.

I am also wondering if it would be better to use it as a sort of floating small water-wheel.




  1. where in the world did you hear of a crossflow?

    but no, it's very unlikely to work well.

    it's been designed for the density of air, not water.

    i rather suspect that if you try to use it with a 5' head and a good flow, pretty quick, you'll end up with a very misshapen hunk of sheet metal.


    and i see where you'd think to try it.

    however, keeping in mind that it really was designed for the stresses air would put on it, i think your chances of using it for water are nil.  sorry.

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