
Can you use a Bokken for fighting? or wouldn't it work?

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I was just wondering if the Bokken would work. Because its smooth and meant for Kata.




  1. Hi there

    Of course it would work. It wouldnt cut anyone thats for sure but the principles behind cutting still work even with blunt object.

    People have been killed with bokkens they are deadly and shouldnt be used as a toy nor should any wooden training object.

    Check out Japanese history to see how one of the worlds most famous samurai killed a master when he was a young boy using only a bokken. That would be Miyamoto Musashi!

    There not toys. Give them the respect they deserve when training with one.

    Best wishes


  2. Yeah it would work. Ask yourself ' why wouldnt it work'.

  3. That's kinda like asking: "Can you use a baseball bat for fighting? Of course you can.

  4. A Bokken is a weapon.

  5. It won't cut anybody, but it'll sure as h**l break bones, create blunt force trauma, and induce concussions.

    Legendary Japanese swordmaster and folk-hero Miyamoto Musashi reputedly fought and won over 60 duels with a bokken.

  6. Most definitely it would work ,having been trained in their use I'd say respect it as you would any other weapon.

    Best wishes :)***

  7. Think of it like a baseball bat with the strength of the curvature of the wood and a much smaller point of contact focusing all that pressure from the attack. Yes they would work.

  8. Of course a bokken works, and works stupidly well. Back in the day Shinobi would often use bokkens throughout there entire missions, because they dont make a sound when drawn, and they can be coloured black... and they can break skulls XD

  9. In the hands of anyone who trained in Kenjutsu in Japan, the bokken is considered a weapon, and in Japan wielding it in public can get you thrown in prison.  Also, a bokken is not just a "wooden stick;" because its curvature is based of the engineering of a Katana, it can travel 4 times faster than a baseball bat, and you know you can kill someone with a baseball bat imagine what you can do to someone with a bokken.  We're not living in the dark ages so keep that weapon in your house, and do not treat it like a toy!  Its very very dangerous.

  10. h**l yeah it'd work! Try lightly tapping yourself in the head with a bokken. It would work very well.

  11. When you boil it down a bokken is a BIG WOOD STICK !!!!

    Of course it would work in a fight.

    Now, most folks don't walk around with a bokken so it probably won't be to handy, but if I had to protect my self I would love to use BIG WOOD STICK !!!!

  12. Actually they work a little to well and this is one of the reasons for the development of the shinai and Kendo from Kenjutsu.  While just a piece of wood without a sharp edge other than the point a bokken can break bones and is one of the reasons why even though it is used in Kendo some it is not as popular as the bamboo sword that most people associate with that martial art.

  13. Zenlife is this kid your gakusei? ........if so he's awefully "tekii no aru" isn't he?  Kore ha omoshiroi desu. hhhhhmmmmmmm................. I just want to bash a head in with my bokken!!!! hehehehe.

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