
Can you use a CD cleaner on a Video Game disc?

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I bought a used game and runs like c**p... can you use a cd cleaner on video games even though it tells you not to?




  1. Dno Soz. Hope It Gets Sorted Though x

  2. I would take a clean bathroom sink, a couple on inches of warm water, a capful (1/3 of a shot glass) of rubbing alcohol (no additives, just plain alcohol), and a COUPLE of DROPS of dish detergent (plain old unscented no additives Palmolive)...

    And after my stuff was mixed, I would pass the video game disk through the solution quickly a couple of times.

    (Don't let it soak in there!)

    Then dry it completely with a soft, clean, lint free cloth, like a cloth to dry fine dishes.  Dry by gentle strokes from the center out to the edges, in pie-shaped strokes.


    Let the disk sai about an hour before you try to "play" it again.

    This might be the safest way to clean it.

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