
Can you use a dictionary while playing scrabble?

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Is it legal to use a dictionary as reference while playing scrabble? Is it considered cheating?




  1. You aren't able to use the dictionary while you ar playing scrabble but if there is a word disagreement you are allowed to use it to check if it is a word.

  2. Of course you can use a dictionary, they did on little britain! lol! I always do as long as the other players do its not excactly an 'advantage'.

  3. yes in officila tournaments the have official scrabble dictionarys to use

  4. If you are playing in a tournament or something like that it would be cheating.  You can refer to the dictionary only when a word is challenged.  However, if you are playing a friendly game and if both players agree, you can make your own ruiles.  My daughter and I always use Scrabble dictionaries when we play Scrabble.

  5. No. If you use the dictionary, that's cheating.

  6. It is cheating to use the dictionary to seach for words that fit the letters you have in your tray. It is not cheating to use the dictionary to check to make sure a word is legitimate.

    There is an official Scrabble dictionary, I recommend getting it. The rule is simple: If the word is in the Scrablle dictionary, it counts, if it isn't, it doesn't count.

  7. it's considered cheating.....

    but it's def. not illegal!!

    hope i helped hun!♥

  8. no

  9. whoever says it cheating its not you can use a dictionary if you want but if your playing and using one your partner dosnt have too

  10. Some editions of scrabble come with a dictionary. a special scrabble one. I think you can use when you are debating a word with other players or you aren't sure how to spell some stupid word for the triple word score. I hardly ever use dictionaries anywhere and just get by with people correcting me. but somehow i always beat everyone in scrabble. weird, huh?

  11. Its normally not allowed but of course you and your friends can do what you will on that point. I've played with groups that allowed it and others that didn't. If you allow it I would suggest restricting the amount of time you have to use it on your turn.

    Also you should have one on hand if you want to check if a word is really a word.

  12. Yes, it is considered cheating but I wouldn't say it's illegal nor legal.

  13. It is definitely cheating.  

    Read books when you aren't playing Scrabble. That will help greatly to increase the breadth and depth of your vocabulary.

  14. By standard version, you do not use a dictionary unless

    you are challenging someone's word.

    You can make up whatever rules you want.

    I have yet to encounter the Scrabble Police.

  15. Maybe you can use a laptop, go to the internet and find a site that'll let you put in all of your letters and it'll give you back the highest scoring words.  That would make the game really fun.  :)

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