
Can you use a dog brush on a horse?

by  |  earlier

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like if it's soft bristled? because we have a horse in the yard and it really needs to be brushed.




  1. it probably wont do no harm but its best to use a proper horse brush lyk a dandy brush aor a rubber curry comb u can pick these up real cheap at all equestrian shops

  2. The horse doesn't care about his coat. He's not like a cat and doesn't get all worried if he's unkempt. I'd leave it 'till morning if I were you and go to bed and sleep it off. To answer your question .. No it wouldn't matter using a dog brush but the dog you used it on before may have had mange or some other problem so be a bit careful

  3. Not if its the metal pokey (undercoat) type!  If its something that has soft and move able bristles then sure - be sure to brush with the hair!

  4. Try it and see what happens thengo ahead and buy some brushes. If she acts funny move away


  5. Sure you can!  He will love your concern for his coat.

  6. I wouldnt brush someone elses horse without permission! NO! use a horse brush though

  7. OK, OBVIOUSLY YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HORSES IF YOU HAVE TO ASK AND YOU DON'T SEEM to know that a horse can be muddy. Please don't trespass especially if you know nothing about horses.

  8. ask permission first please. You could get introuble or the horse might be afraid of people touching him (head shy), or the brush you have could hurt him and possibly the horse could have a skin deises (ex. rain rot) that can pass down to your dog. If you ask the owner or care taker of the horse  to brush it they could give you horse brushes to use.

  9. I should leave well alone.  Unless the horse is starving or being badly treated, a bit of mud will not kill him, and he might not appreciate your advances.  You could be prosecuted for tresspassing.  If the horse is not properly tied there is a serious risk of injury too.

  10. As long as the bristles aren't too harsh, any brush can be used on a horse.

  11. We use a pin brush on our horse's manes & tails all the time. They have more or less always been a dog brush.  As for the body, I don't see why a soft dog brush would hurt & the horse would probably really enjoy it.

  12. You are asking the wrong question.  The correct question is "should I use my dog brush on someone else's horse?".  The answer is "no."  

    First, sharing brushes between animals is generally not a great idea.  If your dog has a health issue, it could transfer to the horse.  If the horse has a health issue, it could transfer to your dog.

    Second, if you don't even know what kind of brush to use on a horse, you clearly do not know horses at all.  They are NOT like big dogs.  Horses kick, strike and bite.  They can kill you in an instant and I am not exaggerating.  What would you do if that horse took one look at you and charged you?  Do you really think you could make it back over the fence or out the door before the horse got to you?  Can you run 40 miles per hour?

    But, mostly, this is not your horse and it is not your land.  To brush another's horse would be to trespass both on his land and on his property (the horse).  

    I respect your intentions.  You see what you perceive as a problem and you want to intervene and help.  Not enough people do that.  However, it is highly inappropriate and ill-advised in this case.

  13. stry softly first and then see.

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